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Patent Licensing

What is the difference between "licensing in" and "licensing out"?

"Licensing in" a patent involves obtaining rights to someone else's patent.  "Licensing out" involves providing the rights of your own patent to someone else.

How do you license out a patent?

If you have existing intellectual property and are looking to license it out to someone else, Mc2 has the capabilities to guide you in the right direction.  Parties looking to license out patents include:

  • Inventor with a unique patent

  • University technology transfer office looking for a home for their patents

  • Start-up company looking to find a partner and break into a market

Company with a patent portfolio containing unused patents costing exorbitant maintenance fees

The first step in licensing out patents is to identify interested parties.  Mc2 accomplishes this by finding companies active in the technology associated with your patents, and then evaluating those companies using various metrics:

  • Leaders in the industry?

  • Past licensing activity?

  • Location and size of the company?

Mc2 will provide you with a set of potential companies, and if needed, work with you to identify key individuals at those companies who direct licensing activities.

How do you find a patent to license?

Innovative companies should always be on the lookout for new patents which can give them an advantage in their industry.  Mc2 is able to search the world's patents to identify just such patents assigned to individuals, universities, or small start-up companies.  By analyzing a set of patents using various metrics, Mc2 can identify those patented inventions which would provide the best licensing opportunities.

How long does a patent licensing report take?​

Basic licensing reports are typically delivered in 5 to 7 business days.  Reports requiring identifying key individuals involved in licensing activities will take longer.

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