(860) 740-5139
advanced patent & technical research
Mc2 Research Group subscribes to some of the world's premier patent and technical literature databases.
Mc2 Research Group subscribes to some of the world's premier patent and technical literature databases.

Questel's Orbit Intelligence is one of the world's premier patent databases. Updated daily, the Orbit database provides worldwide coverage of over 100 million patents grouped into invention-based patent families, all with searchable translations. Mc2 subscribes at the highest platinum-level, which provides access to numerous modules for analyzing large sets of patents. Mc2 also has access to Orbit's chemistry modules which allows chemical structure searching.

Elsevier's Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed technical literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering research topics across all scientific and technical disciplines, ranging from medicine and engineering to electronics and artificial intelligence.

STN is one of the premier sources for searching the world's disclosed scientific and technical research. Having access to over 100 diverse data collections, STN provides integrated access to the most current and complete set of global disclosed patent and non-patent, scientific and technical content, including chemistry content from CAS.